miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015


Rajoy states that high voltage interconnection between Spain 

and France represents an important step towards Energy Union

Montesquieu-des-Albères, Francia, Friday 20 February 2015
Mariano Rajoy, Manuel Valls
Mariano Rajoy, together with the French Prime Minister, has officially opened the high 
voltage "Baixas-Santa Llogaia" interconnection link between Spain and France. 
Rajoy said that ordinary people will be the biggest beneficiaries of this interconnection
 because "energy will reach their homes at a lower cost."
​The President of the Government highlighted that this electricity interconnection project is
 "an exceptional engineering undertaking" that combines economic progress with respect 
for the environment. It is also, he added, "a model of cooperation between France and Spain, 
of work together by companies operating the high voltage grid in our two countries, and 
between European institutions."

Mariano Rajoy stated that this electricity project "represents an important step forward in the 
achievement of the goal of Energy Union," as it will allow the creation of a real internal energy 
market. It is, he said, "a project of key importance for the future of Europe."

An example of what "we can and should do" in the EU

In addition, the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy praised the companies that 
took part in the project, the French company RTE and the Spanish company Red Eléctrica, 
because they have managed to combine their efforts and "their proven technical 
know-how" in a joint company, INELFE. He also highlighted the participation in the project 
of the European Investment Bank and the European Commission.

He explained that the interconnection officially opened on Friday "is an example of what we 
can and should do" and also of what can be financed by the European Commission's 
new initiative for investment for growth, the so-called Juncker Investment Plan. In other words, 
he added, it is "a productive, strategic and competitive investment of European interest, 
carried out through a public-private partnership, which increases the growth potential of 
our economies and generates benefits for our societies."

The importance of electricity interconnections

Although a "very important step" has been taken on the path to electrical power intercon-
nections in Europe on Friday, Mariano Rajoy warned that "there is still a long way to go." 
He said that "we are going to try to draw up between all of us a plan with specific projects 
and with European finance so that this time it can become a reality."

"Electricity interconnections are very important," explained Mariano Rajoy. They are important, 
he clarified, for companies, because they improve their competitiveness; for the 
environment, because without them there is no way of developing renewable energies; 
for security, because the diversification of sources reduces dependence on unstable zones 
around the world; and also for ordinary people, "who are the chief motivation and those who 
benefit most from this interconnection," because "energy will reach their homes at a better price, 
and with it everyone's well-being will increase."

Before concluding, the President of the Government stated that there are few infrastructures 
that "better represent the European ideal of bringing down artificial or natural borders rather 
than erecting them, of combining rather than segregating."

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Complejo de la Moncloa, Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n. 28071 Madrid. (España).

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